Dr brian weiss past life regression session

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Cat her ine 's prog ress thr oug h regre ssio n thera py 5. Cathe rine's variet ies of p ast liv es, her experi ences a nd se nsatio ns 4. Who i s Dr Wei ss? hi s cred ent ials an d his b ack gro und 2.

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The summary of the book is set out under 10 subheadings: 1. Notations like (2L) mean second last paragraph. If there is no () then it means the whole page. Then I give a point of what is discussed which in this case was about reincarnation including a Muslim in Palestine. The discussion continues into page - 71 up to paragraph 2. 70 is the page number and (L) means last as in last paragraph on page 70.

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